June 27, 2012

Zurich introduces two new mass market protection products: Z Protect and Z Care

Zurich expands their suite of products with two new protection offerings:

Z Protect and Z Care.

The two products appear to be targeted at a mass market segment, utilizing Zurich's new full insurance license (from previously the defined segment license).

Z Protect (Term plan 5-25 yrs)
  • Guaranteed Renewability
  • Guaranteed Lifestage Upgrades
  • Comprehensive Disability Benefits (based on activities of daily living)
  • Critical Illness Benefit
  • Accident Benefit
  • Premium Waiver Benefit
  • Payer Benefit (premium waiver on the family members plan) 
  • Spouse Benefit (premium waiver on the plans ensuring children) 

  • Early stage critical illness option (advances 50% of Sum assured)
  • Upfront Diagnosis Benefit ($5,000 upon diagnosis)
  • Rehabilitation Benefit ($1000 for 6 months in case of  surgery or treatment)
  • Guaranteed Renewability
  • Death Benefit (lower of SGD20,000 or 10% of Sum Assured)
  • Payer Benefit (premium waiver on the family members plan) 
  • Spouse Benefit (premium waiver on the plans ensuring children) 


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